New England Aid Company’s work on education, temperance, freedom, religion in Kansas


Transcription of Primary Source

Education, Temperance, Freedom, Religion in Kanzas.

Dear Sir:—We are engaged in an effort to have all the “Clergymen of New England,” made Life Members of the New England Emigrant Aid Company.

By insuring thus their cooperation in the direction of this Company, and by enlarging its funds at this period of its highest usefulness,—we are satisfied that the Christians of New England will bring to bear a stronger influence in sustaining the principles of what was last year called the “Ministers’ Memorial,” than by any other means which Providence puts in their hands.

We ask such cooperation as you can give us; supposing that you may have been one of those 3050 ministers,—who in the Senate of the United States, were pronounced to “know nothing of the facts, laws, and votes involved in the Nebraska bill,” and to have “no time to understand them.”

We are certain that you belong to that body of Northern Ministers who have been prohibited from entering north-western Missouri or Kanzas, by those mobs of men who have attempted to take the law of that region into their own hands.

We beg your attention to the great work the New England Emigrant Aid Company has in hand.

We ask your particular attention to the encouragement which Divine Providence has given to its efforts. We beg you to observe all the facts in the case, before you give way to the false and discouraging impressions, assiduously circulated since the pretended election in Kanzas, of March 30th, which was the work, simply, of an invading army.

You may rely on the following statements of the work of the Emigrant Aid Company, since it was established.

1. FOR FREEDOM.—It has assisted in establishing at commanding points, the towns of Lawrence, Topeka, Osawatomie, Boston, Hampden, and Wabounse. In some of these towns it has mills, in most of them some investment of value to the settlers. These towns are all peopled by “Free State men,” whose whole influence goes to making Kanzas free. There are other towns already started of similar character. The only “Slave State” town of commanding influence in Kanzas, is Leavenworth, on the Missouri frontier, separated from the other settled parts of the territory by Indian reservations.

We may say, therefore, that all the most important centres of influence have been established, or assisted by the Emigrant Aid Company, and that their influence tells for the cause of Freedom. This company has, in fact, directly transported between two and three thousand emigrants to Kanzas. Not one man of them is known to have ever given a “Slave State” vote. More than ten thousand, from Free States of the North-West, have been led there by its indirect influence here. To prevent the return of this tide,—and to provide those who go with the assistance which capital only can provide, this Company wishes to supply saw mills at important points, and other conveniences. For such purposes will it use any enlargement of its funds. The emigration is still very large,—and wherever this company can establish a saw-mill with other conventions, a “Free State” town can be gathered.

From the best sources of information, from the officers of the company, and well informed persons in Kanzas and Missouri, we are convinced, as the result of what has been done, that the great proportion of settlers now in Kanzas wish it to become a free State. At the election held on the 22d ult. to fill vacancies in the Legislature, nine “Free State” members were chosen,—and only three “Slave State” members,—the last in Levenworth, which is separated by a ferry only from Missouri.

2. FOR RELIGION.—The officers of this company have understood that to make a free state they needed, first of all, the Gospel. Every missionary sent there by different Boards, has received their active assistance. Divine service is regularly maintained in the towns where the company has influence,—and, we believe, no where else. Every Sabbath School in the territory has been formed with the assistance of the company, or its officers. Every church organized has been organized with their cooperation.

3. FOR EDUCATION.—Schools will be in operation at Lawrence, at Topeka, at Osawatomie and Hampden, before the end of July. These, which are the only schools in the territory of which we have any account, are due to the exertions of the New England Emigrant Aid Company and its officers.

4. FOR TEMPERANCE.—The traffic in intoxicating liquors scarcely exists in any one of the towns founded with the company’s assistance; and any attempt to introduce it will be resisted by their citizens. This prohibition, intended in the first instance for the benefit of the towns, will approve itself to you as the only hope for the Indians still remaining in that territory.

Such has been the work of this company in one year.

To carry farther such operations in these towns, and to plant more towns at once in Kanzas, so as to secure its future destiny before next January, the company needs $150,000. We think it highly desirable that that sum shall be furnished by those who will continue to the company the Christian direction which has always guided it.

We address this statement of facts therefore to every clergyman in New England, asking for it their careful attention. For each of those gentlemen we hope to obtain a single share in the stock of the company, entitling him to vote at its annual meetings. He will thus be made a life member of the company.

If it be in your power to obtain, at once, a subscription of twenty dollars, that sum will purchase a share for you, which will be at once taken in your name.

For the shares not thus taken, we shall set on foot at once a subscription through New England; and take the shares in the name of the remaining clergymen. To this subscription we ask your assistance, if you and your friends are willing to subscribe less than twenty dollars or more.

It is desirable that this subscription shall be made at once, and we rely on some answer from you at your earliest convenience, if possible before the twenty-fifth of July. A stamped envelope, already directed to one of our Secretaries, will be found within.

It is proper to state that the New England Emigrant Aid Company is incorporated by the legislature of Massachusetts, and that no stockholder is liable, in any event, for anything beyond his first investment.

Subscriptions of any amount, will be at once acknowledged in the papers of Boston.

The plan has been so favorably received, before its general publication, that we believe the requisite number of shares will be readily subscribed for.

The Essex South Conference of Churches has provided, it is understood, for the shares of all its members.

The Worcester Association has undertaken to make up the shares of all its members.

From Clergymen of all parts of New England we have assurances of sympathy and co-operation.

Yours, in Christian fellowship,
BARON STOW, Rowe St. Baptist Ch.,
CHARLES LOWELL, West Ch., Boston,
S. STREETER, Pastor of 1st Universalist Ch.,
Committee on the Ministers’ Memorial of 1854.

W. E. RICE, Pastor of M. E. Ch., Bromfield St., Boston,
JOHN H. TWOMBLY, Pastor of M. E. Ch., Hanover St., Boston,
EDWARD BEECHER, Pastor of Salem St. Church, Boston,
T. STARR KING, Pastor of Hollis St. Ch., Boston,
JOHN S. STONE, Rector of St. Paul’s Church, Brookline,
HOSEA BALLOU, 2d, Pres. of Tufts College, Medford,
JOEL HAWES, First Church, Hartford,
HORACE BUSHNELL, North Church, Hartford,

EDWARD E. HALE, Worcester,
JOHN G. ADAMS, Worcester

July 2d, 1855.

Curator Notes

Exact Title: 
“Education, temperance, freedom, religion in Kanzas. : Dear Sir:-We are engaged in an effort to have all the “clergymen of New England” made life members of the New England Emigrant Aid Company…”
Probable Date: 
July 2, 1855
2 leaves
New England Emigrant Aid Company
Place of Publication: 
Boston, Massachuetts
26 cm.
American Antiquarian Society
Catalog Code: 
BDSDS. 1855

New England Emigrant Aid Company.  Boston: s.n., 1855. AAS call number: BDSDS. 1855.