Teach US History
Battle of Bunker Hill
A Correct View of the Late Battle at Charlestown June 17th, 1775
An Exact View of the Late Battle at Charlestown, June 17th, 1775
Fortifying Breed's Hill in the Night, June 16, 1775
The Battle at Bunker's Hill, near Boston, June 7th, 1775
View of the Attack on Bunker's Hill, with the Burning of Charles Town, June 17. 1775
Battles of Concord and Lexington
A Circumstantial Account of an Attack that Happened on the 19th of April 1775, on his Majesty's Troops
Battle of Lexington
Bloody Butchery, by the British Troops: or, The Runaway Fight of the Regulars
Putnam receiving the news of the Battle of Lexington
Retreat of the British from Concord
The Massachusetts Spy, May 3, 1775
The Struggle on Concord Bridge
Views of Common Places
A View of Concord, taken in 1776
A View of the Bridge over the Charles River
A View of the Green in Lexington
View of Faneuil Hall
Washington Takes Command
Washington Taking Command of the Troops at Cambridge, July 3, 1775
Female Patriotism- Mrs. Steele & Gen. Green "Take it, you will need it, and I can do without the money."
Molly Pitcher
Mrs. Schuyler firing her corn fields on the approach of the British
To the Ladies
The American Revolution
A New and Correct Plan of the Town of Boston. And Provincial Camp
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Bloody Massacre Perpetuated in King Street by Revere
Boston Massacre, March 5th, 1770
Boston Tea Party
Bostonians in Distress
Declaration of Independence
Destruction of Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773
First published announcement of the Declaration of Independence
Gen'l Warren taking leave of his wife and child on the eve of the battle of Bunker Hill
Gen. Marion in His Swamp Encampment Inviting a British Officer to Dinner
Pulling Down the Statue of George III
Resolution to jail dangerous persons
The Patriot Printer - Isaiah Thomas, 1749-1831
About Us
The American Revolution
A Circumstantial Account
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Bostonians in Distress
Pulling Down the Statue of George III
Resolution to jail dangerous persons
Revere's Bloody Massacre
To the Ladies
Lesson Plans
Indian Removal
Isaiah Thomas - Patriot Printer
Life in Antebellum America
Temperance Reform in the Early 19th Century
The Dred Scott Decision
The Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas
The Second Great Awakening and the Age of Reform
War of 1812 and the Hartford Convention
Westward Expansion
In Development
Nineteenth-Century Immigration
The Civil War
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