Westward Expansion

Teacher Resources

What are primary sources?

What are primary sources?

Primary sources are works of human endeavor that were created at the time or very close to the time that is studied. A primary source can be any of the following: a written account, a published account, an image, an artifact, a work of art, the physical environment and the built environment, a human being. What constitutes a primary source is hard to define and is often arbitrary. It may indeed change as the source is used.

Some examples of primary sources include:

  • Written accounts—diaries, letters, ledgers, account books, notes, vital records.
  • Published accounts— any written account that was published as well as newspapers, books, periodicals, almanacs, cookbooks, broadsides, travel books, childrens literature, novels, poetry, pamphlets, sermons, advertisements.
  • Images—paintings, drawings, photographs, lithographs, woodcuts, maps, video, film.
  • Artifacts— buildings, machines, objects, clothing, weapons.
  • Human beings—anyone alive or whose voice and thoughts were captured by an electronic recording may be considered a primary source for their life experiences. They are, in effect, eyewitnesses to history.


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Last updated November 28, 2003